Sunday, August 18, 2013

Texas Conservatives Must Organize or Lose


We need to organize. "We" as in conservatives. It is becoming painfully obvious that nothing is being gained while we disparate factions of conservatives create our own niche organizations and blogs and snipe at each other. I am plain sick and tired of this. We have been sidetracked and divided, and it might have been on purpose, but forget that. We let it happen and it is up to change it.

Conservatives in every town and county in Texas should get together and form a "Freedom Club of ______". These local organizations will be the rallying points for all of our conservative causes. They can meet once or twice a month in person, they can hold fund-raisers to fund their activities.

A few hours of their time each month isn't too much to ask for conservatives who think the world is crashing is it? There should be a dues, let us say $20 a year. That isn't too much for people who think stopping socialism and tyranny is important. Half of the dues can stay local and half go to the umbrella state-wide organization.

The local chapters should focus on local issues. How their local taxes are spent, on stopping government projects and spending on things that tax dollars should not be used for. The state-wide organization with local chapters and tens of thousands of Texans supporting it would have some real influence, some real meat on the bones.

No more signing some petition or voting in worthless online polls. We need real activities by real activists. We have enough keyboard commando's what we really need are people who can show up when we need them in person. We are the most invisible group in the country and that needs to change.

Now as I was saying about be divided. We are divided every time some sub-group decides it doesn't like this issue or that issue and demands that we not fight for our beliefs. We have libertarians fighting for gay marriage and legalizing drugs, we have pro-abortion "Republicans" who love to say we should drop it as an issue.

The answer should be no. This proposed organization "Freedom Clubs of Texas" or even "Freedom Clubs of America" should reject these sub-groups demands. If they do not want to be a part of the conservative movement, they should not be allowed to infect it. They drain the conservative movement by forcing us to fight amongst ourselves. They have enough of their own niche organizations and should not be allowed to infect this one I am proposing.

I apologize again, I just wanted to get it off my chest. Some day I hope conservatives do come together and get active and get organized, or I fear this slide into the abyss will continue.

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